The wind raved like curses through the jagged rocks of the Kasara Strait, whipping the waves into white-crested fury and screaming in between the spires. This narrow neck of sea between the islands of Manu and Salua was dangerous water, and every sailor knew that was truth. No ordinary captain or king could have gathered so many ships in this deadly place, only the fear of gods could have done it.
Aurich the Beast stood at the prow of the flagship, his great sword point down in the hard wood of the deck, his mailed hands grasping the guard. The pitch and sway of the ship did not seem to concern him, nor did the wind or the spray that lashed against the sails. It was high noon, and yet the sky was overcast and gray as hammered iron, heavy with the promise of rain. Beneath his helm his face was hidden, giving no sign of what lay beneath.
The captain of the ship made his way forward, squinting into the wind. The gusts backed around the compass, giving no warning. To sail in such weather in this place was folly, and he would not be here save that this man – this steel-hearted fanatic from the homelands – was the one who truly commanded. The captain knew that if he balked he would be headless and cast into the sea before he could finish his breath. He had seen paladins before, but never one as unflinching and hard as this one.
When he was close he leaned against the rail for balance and pitched his voice to carry. “There is no sign of them, lord. Still no sign.”
“They will come,” Aurich said. “Before nightfall they will come. The information was bought with screams and with blood, it will be truth.” From within his helm his voice sounded hollow and sepulchral. “The demon child will come. She has no choice.”